Become an NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, and/or Hypnotherapist with 1:1 bespoke courses with author and teacher Marcus Katz.
Marcus also offers 1:1 private client sessions using NLP and Hypnotherapy in Cumbria (Lake District) for elegantly preparing for (or recovering from) significant life-changes.
Sessions are available for supporting health-work, weight management, resolving phobias, addictions & obsessions, confidence-building, etc.
Marcus has worked with NLP & Hypnotherapy for over thirty years and received training with the world’s leading developers of NLP, including events with Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Steve Gilligan & Doug O’Brien.
He has worked from clinics with private clients, taught doctors & therapists and students have ranged world-wide from teachers to helicoptor pilots.

Booking Hypnotherapy in Cumbria
Hypnotherapy can support the resolution of anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and help break habits. It is effective in gambling addictions, other compulsions and eating disorders.
You can also benefit from hypnotherapy in learning effective relaxation techniques, gaining confidence, ways to gain positive outlooks and motivate yourself.
Please use the contact form to make any initial enquiries and we can arrange to discuss your initial session, either in-person or by Zoom.
“I consider each session individually and am always honoured to work with people determined to make fast change happen and improve life.”
NLP & Hypnotherapy Courses

My training courses are validated by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (Hypnotherapy training) and the Society of NLP (NLP training) and come with uniquely written materials, and multimedia presentations suitable to a range of learning styles.

You will be certified as an NLP Practitioner and/or Master Practitioner licensed by the first and largest Society of NLP, and/or Hypnotherapist within the GHSC, the largest UK Regulatory body. These bodies ensure the highest standards are met in all training.
Please use the contact form to make enquiries and I will be happy to discuss the courses with you.

Selected Testimonials

Dr. Jimmy Niblock, Corporate Coach & Professor (McGill MBA), Tokyo, Japan.
“I was attracted to NLP Magick because it felt authentic/pure. Authenticity is a rare commodity and, to me, it will be one of the defining features in an age of internet amateurs. Since the excellent course I am currently designing a Global Management training course using the NLP techniques I learnt on the course. I have also delivered training in Osaka where I found myself applying the Betty Erickson technique plus Zink’s Spinning Icons as a guided imagery exercise.”

Sweedy Van Soul, Fashion Designer, Shanghai & Paris.
“A wonderful course … amazing to see how deep a human-being’s unconscious can be … you are truly an excellent teacher. Come to Shanghai!”